100 Word Challenge

As the door slammed, I knew there was something wrong. My parents just left without a word.

10 minutes ago

I heard my dad packing and my mom writing, both in a rush. I had an avid feeling not to get up. Then nine minutes of silence then the door slammed closed. There was a note on the table. It read this:

Dear Venus,

Dad and I have to go away.

This is excruciating to write.

I just want to say we’re sorry.

Love, Mom

This evokes what she scared of. The fear of losing everything, but why, I thought. Why?


100 Word Challenge

Tommy herd a crash. The tree branch Robbie was sitting on snapped. Tommy just remembered that the branch was over the pond. The pond was quite wide but not deep. Tommy rushed to his fallen friend. When he got there all he could see was Robbie’s favorite boots .Tommy called him three times. Robbie stayed stuck in his unconformable position. Then Tommy saw it. A dark red stream of blood. Now Tommy was scared, so with all his might Tommy pulled his friend out of the pond. Then he realized is friend was dead. With an cracked skull.




Student Blogging Challenge Week 3

Breaking News!

This cat is on fire .

Sources say that the reason is still a mystery

Yet, witnesses say that is gone super saiyan.

Yes this story may have been worth a breaking news segment.

Now back to your regular scheduled programming.

Wait! What! The new season of the Flash is out.

Meh. It probably sinks.




cat. fire.

Link: http://pixelatedcatsonfire.tumblr.com

Student Blogging Challenge: Commenting

-Hello name is Eddie. I like your post. Its short and to the point. And it also certainly shows what you like.


-WOW! that story was great! I was on the edge of my seat. Keep it up looking forward to more.

Eddie M. from Texas


-Hey I’m Eddie M. I liked the way you and your class show who you are or what you like doing. I might do similar when i get the chance.


100 Word Challenge

He was laying there. Jack was asleep when he herd it,the scream of a girl. It was Molly. He rushed downstairs. And the dog was wearing glasses, his daughters glasses to be exact. There she was lying on the floor. Blood all on her arm and the dogs face. I grabbed her and rush to the hospital. Leaving the dog at home knowing it will be punished. We got the hospital and the doctors got her patched up. We got home, but the dog was gone. Molly was scared and locked herself in her room. Then she, Molly, yelled again.